A Needs Analysis Study of Engine-Deck Communication: Towards Improving Syllabus Design

Gefilloyd L. De Castro

Special Issue 11卷2期 (2020 / 12 / 01) ; P35 – 53

DOI: 10.6706/TIESPJ.202012_11(2).0003


The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has officially promoted English as the official language of the sea; hence, the learning of English for inter-ship, intra-ship, and ship-station communication using the Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) appears to be a necessity. Unfortunately, the New General Education Curriculum (NGEC 5) course, otherwise known as "purposive communication," in Philippine higher education has no specific training for the improvement of communication in the said target situation. It would be very effective if this course could be improved through the integration of maritime-related activities. To achieve this, this study analyzed engine-deck communication activities using different approaches of the Communicative Needs Processor (CNP). The study found several reasons for learning English: English is an international language, to improve communication skills, to use it on board an international vessel, and for job interviews. Several communication tasks on board between the deck and engine department and among the engineering officers and crew have been identified as being helpful for updating a learning-centered course. Micro-functions and language forms have also been identified in the communication activities. The findings are useful for updating the syllabus and for designing instructional materials to be integrated into the teaching of communication utilizing the English language.

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