The issue (Vol.14 No.1) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published!
We are happy to announce the latest issue (Vol.14 No.1) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published! Edited by Prof. Fei-Wen Cheng, this issue featured 3 general research articles: General Research (1) Mahmood Reza Atai and Armin Abbasi who together explored the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Needs of Iranian Students of Medicine and evaluated the … Continue reading The issue (Vol.14 No.1) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published!
The issue (Vol.13 No.2) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published!
We are happy to announce the latest issue (Vol.13 No.2) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published! Edited by Prof. Fei-Wen Cheng, this issue featured 3 general research articles: General Research (1) Keng-Chih Hsu and Wen-Li Tsou who together conducted on the analysis of English needs for working business professionals in the Taiwanese steel industry. (2) … Continue reading The issue (Vol.13 No.2) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published!
The issue (Vol.13 No.1) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published!
We are happy to announce the latest issue (Vol.13 No.1) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published! Edited by Prof. Fei-Wen Cheng, this issue featured 3 general research articles: General Research (1) Gökhan Demirdöken who examined aviation English as the lingua franca: needs and expectations of tertiary level ESP students in Turkey. (2) Mohammad Hossein … Continue reading The issue (Vol.13 No.1) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published!