EMI Trainers’ Reflections on a Taiwanese EFL University Teacher Learning Community: Challenges and Recommendations
Li-Tang Yu; Ming-i Lydia Tseng; Sherri Yi-Chun Wei; Wen-Ling Su Special Issue 11卷2期 (2020/12/01); p71-88 DOI: 10.6706/TIESPJ.202012_11(2).0005 Abstract In higher education, English-medium instruction (EMI) is considered to be a crucial approach to internationalization, equipping students with professional specialties and language skills for their future professions. Thus, universities in Taiwan have been strongly encouraging faculty to offer EMI … Continue reading EMI Trainers’ Reflections on a Taiwanese EFL University Teacher Learning Community: Challenges and Recommendations
L2 Business Letter Learning Motivation: An International Business Student Case Study in Taiwan
Hui-Tzu Hsu Special Issue 11卷2期 (2020/12/01); p89-110 DOI: 10.6706/TIESPJ.202012_11(2).0006 Abstract Research on English for Specific Purposes has exclusively highlighted business letter teaching. However, studies on second language (L2) learners’ motivations for business letter writing are limited. This study adopted the self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985) to comprehensively explore L2 learners’ motivations for business letter writing. … Continue reading L2 Business Letter Learning Motivation: An International Business Student Case Study in Taiwan
Special Issue (Vol. 11 No. 2) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published!
We are thrilled to announce the publication of the latest special issue (Vol.11 No.2) on TESPA International Conference on English for Specific Purposes! Edited by Prof. Shao-Ting Alan Hung, this issue features 2 best papers and 4 articles including: (1) Best Paper from the professor category- Shiou-Wen Yeh who adopted technology-enhance ESP for reading English … Continue reading Special Issue (Vol. 11 No. 2) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published!