The issue (Vol.13 No.1) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published!
We are happy to announce the latest issue (Vol.13 No.1) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published! Edited by Prof. Fei-Wen Cheng, this issue featured 3 general research articles: General Research (1) Gökhan Demirdöken who examined aviation English as the lingua franca: needs and expectations of tertiary level ESP students in Turkey. (2) Mohammad Hossein … Continue reading The issue (Vol.13 No.1) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published!
The issue (Vol.12 No.2) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published!
We are happy to announce the latest issue (Vol.12 No.2) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published! Edited by Prof. Shao-Ting Alan Hung, this issue feature 3 general research articles: General Research (1) Jean E. Curran and Chiou-lan Chern who together explored in-service science teachers’ perceptions of science-English classes taught by pre-service English teachers … Continue reading The issue (Vol.12 No.2) of Taiwan International ESP Journal has been published!
Types and Functions of If-conditionals in Lecture Introductions
Su-Hie Ting, Jiin-Yih Yeo Volume 12 Number 1 (2021/06/01); p22 – 39 DOI: 10.6706/TIESPJ.202106_12(1).0002 Abstract This study examined the types and functions of if-conditionals in lecture introductions. The data comprise 144 if-conditionals from a 37,373-word corpus (3.85 per 1000 words). A majority of if-conditionals are direct conditionals (89.6%), with 10.4% of indirect conditionals. Of the … Continue reading Types and Functions of If-conditionals in Lecture Introductions