Developing Junior High School Students’ Email Pragmatic Competence for Specific Purposes
Ming-Fan Lin; Yu-Fan Wang Taiwan International ESP Journal ; 11卷1期 (2020/08/01); p40-72 DOI: 10.6706/TIESPJ.202008_11(1).0003 This article presents the course design of teaching apologetic emails for specific purposes using a genre-based approach implemented in a rural EFL junior high school classroom. The study explored the learners’ perceptions of the teaching and the benefits gained from the … Continue reading Developing Junior High School Students’ Email Pragmatic Competence for Specific Purposes
The latest issue of TIESPJ has been published!
We are delighted to announce that the latest issue of Taiwan International ESP Journal (TIESPJ) has been published, edited by Prof. Shao-Ting Alan Hung. This issue includes articles from Victoria Rau and Gerald Rau who look into a case study about teaching English as a lingua franca in international business, Yu-Shan Fan who explores the co-authoring and … Continue reading The latest issue of TIESPJ has been published!
Teaching English as a Lingua Franca in International Business: A Case Study
Victoria Rau ; Gerald Rau Taiwan International ESP Journal ; 10卷2期(2019/07/01),P1-17 DOI: 10.6706/TIESPJ.201907_10(2).0001 The internationalization of business has caused many local companies in Taiwan to adopt English as a lingua franca (ELF). When a Taiwanese metal fabrication business was purchased by a U.S.-based multinational conglomerate, the managers needed to quickly improve their English skills so … Continue reading Teaching English as a Lingua Franca in International Business: A Case Study